
Owen the bunny is an adult grey long haired female angora rabbit, approximately 3-4 years old. Owen is a quiet, shy, sweet bunny that likes to be held and snuggled. She likes cats, dogs, and kids and loves to run loose in the house, hopping up and down stairs. She is “kind of” potty trained and with some work she might do well with litter. She would love a home where she is out of her cage more often, with plenty of interaction on a consistent basis. She will need a clean area on a daily basis, more exercise and someone who has plenty of time to love on her and groom her. Owen has a sensitive stomach, so fruits and veggies need to be given in small amounts. She does well with Timothy hay (24/7) and Timothy pellets. If Owen does get too many fruits and veggies and needs to be cleaned, she is used to sitting in a large bowl of warm water in the kitchen sink and can be easily cleaned with a bit of baby shampoo.
Grooming: Owen needs someone that will help him keep her fur beautiful and clean and clip his nails often. We’ve found that keeping her hair on the shorter side, especially around her bottom, tail and feet is the best way to go. She is really good about sitting on your lap while clipping her hair with a scissors. It’s best to groom her on a daily basis.  NOTE:  MOHRS will be happy to help with keeping Owen’s hair at a manageable length. If you are interested in Owen, please contact the Missouri House Rabbit Society of Kansas City.
  • Adoptable Rabbit
  • Lionhead Rabbit
  • Angora Rabbit
  • Spayed Female Rabbit