Cooper & Lammer ADOPTED

Cooper and Lammer are a darling pair of Holland Lop bunnies that were purchased from a breeder (!!) by someone in 2020 and are now needing a new home.  They are *very* bonded, and need to be together.  Cooper (small grey neutered male) is super sweet and will approach and give kisses to his human.  He loves bressel sprouts, cilantro, carrots, bananas (small treat size only), and really gets into food.  Cooper also loves his head to be petted, but may be a little cautious of you at first.  Cooper was neutered at Kansas City Veterinary Care in Oct. 2020.  Cooper will tolerate being held for a *very* short period of time, but like most bunnies, prefers to interact with humans on the floor–on his terms. (as it should be)
Lammer, the beige spayed female (spayed by Kansas City Veterinary Care in 2021) loves Cooper and is protective of him.  She loves to groom Cooper, and will approach a human with caution.  She loves to roam and explore, and give every object or person a bump with her nose.  Favorite foods are cilantro, bananas (small amount), and lots of Timothy hay.  She has a wonderful sassy attitude and is very territorial over her space and her brother, Cooper.  Lammer absolutely does not like to be held, and will thump if someone tries to pick her up.  This pair does everything together…eating sleeping, playing.   If you are interested in adopting them, please contact the Missouri House Rabbit Society in Kansas City.
  • Adoptable Rabbit
  • Holland Lop Rabbits
  • Bonded Pair Rabbits
  • Spayed Female Rabbit
HRSMissouriCooper & Lammer ADOPTED!