Clementine & Shadow

Clementine and Shadow are a bonded pair of bunnies.  Clementine, the white and black one, is a spayed female and is around five years old.  Shadow is a neutered male and is around two or three years old.  Both are extremely friendly and will come up to the pen to say hello when you come into the room.  Food is a big part of their day, any kind of food especially bananas!  It would be a good idea to give them one large litter box as they both like to be in there at the same time.  They are very active tossing cups and chewing on their cardboard hidey house.  They have so much fun digging in piles of newspapers and running through their tunnel.  They are definitely both love bugs with each other and you.  They melt down when you pet them and are incredibly sweet.  If you would like to give Clementine and Shadow a wonderful loving forever home, please contact the Missouri House Rabbit Society in Kansas City.

  • Adoptable Rabbit
  • Bonded Pair Rabbits
HRSMissouriClementine & Shadow