Orphaned Cottontail Care
The first thing to realize with handling any wild rabbit is that stress can kill. Rabbits can leak toxins into their system from fear, pain, and stress causing Septicemia. This has a very high mortality rate. Even babies with their eyes closed can suffer from stress. !If placed in a box, the box must be
Litter Training For Rabbits
Litter Training for Rabbits By Robin Rysavy, Chapter Manager Missouri House Rabbit Society in Kansas City Rabbits, by nature, choose one or several places to urinate and to deposit their fecals (round, hard pellets sometimes referred to as “pills”). They are creatures of habit and will usually return to these areas once they’ve decided on
Rabbit Proofing a Room
Before you allow your rabbit access to run and play in a room inside, you need to do some preparation to make sure the bunny is safe and your room, furniture, electronics, etc. are protected. You will have three goals you want to achieve: 1. Providing a safe area for your bunny companion to exercise
Rabbit Related Websites
When searching for information on how to care for your house rabbit, or whether a house rabbit is even the right pet for you, you can run into a whole bunch of junk (or worse – websites describing rabbits as meat!). Here I have compiled some of the best of the web so that you
Late Night Emergency Tips
As The Bell Tolls Midnight… The clock just struck midnight and as you are making your rounds to make sure everyone is tucked in before you turn in for the night, you notice that Benjamin Bunny doesn’t come running over for his nighttime treat. Upon further inspection, you realize he isn’t feeling well, but you
How Does a Bunny Cool Off?
Rabbits don’t pant like dogs. They don’t sweat like humans. A rabbit loses most of their body heat through their ears. If you have a bunny that is hot or overheated, it’s best to get a cool washcloth and gently wipe his ears If your rabbit is severely overheated, GET TO YOUR VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY so
Emergency Preparedness and Pets
I hurried home from work to try to beat the dark rain clouds that were heading in my direction. I had many things I needed to do, and wanted to feed all the bunnies and guinea pigs their night time salads before starting on my projects. As I headed to the refrigerator for their leaf
Tips for a Shedding Rabbit
Yesterday I received an email from Lisa, who wrote this: Question: Ryder is really ‘molting’ now. I did not remember rabbits shedding like this. I looked online, and it looks like they usually shed in the fall and after winter the most. Correct? We are now brushing his coat each day to help with the
Is Outdoor Playtime Safe?
Karen from Ohio posted a question online the other day. She has a rabbit who, thankfully, is housed inside, but wondered if it was OK for her rabbit to have some outdoor visits. Karen wondered if she should use a harness and just walk her bunny around, or if she should allow her bunny to