Ghost & Twix

Ghost (black and white) and Twix (tan and white) are a bonded pair of sisters estimated to be about 6 months old. Ghost loves to explore and will venture to the far corners of the house if given the opportunity. Twix is more of a home body and stays closer to her pen, but will follow Ghost occasionally. They are young and have lots of energy so both girls love to zoom around really fast and do binkies. Twix and Ghost can get around well on hardwoods and tile but would like a big carpeted area or rug where they can achieve maximum speed safely. Both have good litter box skills, adore their hay, and eat all of their pellets. If you are interested in Ghost and Twix, please contact the Missouri House Rabbit Society of Kansas City.

  • Adoptable Rabbit
  • Bonded Pair
  • Spayed Female Rabbits